- Hydraulic drive elevators, MRL Elevators and Vacuum Elevators are the main elevators used in homes.
- These three elevators are used because they take up a small space with no engine room.
- Modern-day homes come with lift accessories. The need for a home elevator is that it helps elderly people to move from one floor to another floor.
- We at Emperor lifts provide the best home elevators and we are also one of the Affordable home lift in india.
This guide provides a general overview of:
1. Hoist way shift
Hoistway shift helps us from reaching the lowest floor to the top floor. A Ramp device makes the lift move vertically, and that helps in carrying weights. We at Emperor’s lift guarantee a smooth journey from the start point to the endpoint.
2. Engine room
Emperor lift’s engine room has well-trained labourers and engineers who ensure the safety of the lift. We double-check our products before handing them to our customers. We designed our safety regulations in a way that our elevators work for years with safety and with no damage.
3. Pit
We also provide an elevator option below the level of the bottom landing saddle for our customers which helps in lifting the cars. Above the Buffer and before the basement, a Pit is placed. Usually, Pit is placed to land safely.

Car or cab
We provide wide space for cars and cabs and build elevators that help cars, cabs to shift between different floors of a building. This type of elevator is used in Malls, Airports and some Apartments that have a number of storeys. Emperor lifts offer the best small home elevators.
Hatch or Lid
Hatch provides help in opening and closing lightweight doors. Hatch or Lid, basically using Pascal’s law (hydraulics). Emperor lifts provide safe cabinet doors that help in avoiding injuries while opening the door and we are also known for the best home elevators in india.
Door or Gate
Doors play a vital role in any elevator. The automatic operation of doors used in double cascading doors or a single door helps us to open or close the door. We at Emperor’s lift customise a variety of designs and colours to the buyer and make sure we satisfy your needs accordingly.

Common types of home elevators
We have listed down the common types of elevator systems in use today. These types of elevators can be used in all kinds of multi-purpose buildings and sites. They are differentiated by their working mechanism and their pulley system. They also have different load carrying capacities and differences in spatial dimensions.
- Cable-driven elevators
- Chain driven elevators
- Traction(MRL) elevator
- Hydraulic Elevators Saving space
- Â Pneumatic Elevators
1. Cable-driven elevators
Cable-driven elevators comprise a shaft, car, mechanical room, control system, and counterweights. The pulley we use in Cable-driven elevators gives you the best grip such that it counterbalances the other end perfectly.
2. Chain driven elevators
Normally we use hydraulic cylinders or cables for an elevator but for chain driven elevator we provide a strong chain that drives a continuous and even surface throughout the reaching point. The Hook in Chain driven elevators are durable and manage more people in the lift.
3. Traction(MRL) Elevator
Machine Room fewer elevators need tiny space, MRL is a gearless traction machine that is mainly used in homes and in some industries for their gear-less option. Also, traction Elevators are safe when compared to other types of lift.
4. Hydraulic Elevators Saving space
Everyone prefers hydraulic lifts over any other type of lift because hydraulic lift uses less amount of space. In the hydraulic lift, heavy loads are lifted and it is highly effective. One chief advantage of Hydraulic lift is we do not need machine room because with the pressurised petroleum fluid, hydraulic pumps the piston rod extends and this leads to a great lifting strength. Emperor lifts have been providing a safe hydraulic lift for our customers for many years.
5. Pneumatic Elevators
Emperor Lifts are concerned about our environment too so we provide Pneumatic Elevators. Pneumatic elevators use vacuum technology to generate lift. The primary advantage is that we do not need any engine room to operate.
1. How much does home elevators cost?
Emperor lifts always provide an “affordable price for our customers”. As we have different varieties of elevators, our price varies accordingly. We customize lifts based on the availability of cost. Emperor lifts always provide the Best and low cost home lifts for our customers.
2. How much space do i need?
Emperor lifts provide a great mixture of products, space depends on the product you purchase. We assure your comfortability and respect your ideas and install elevators in your home in the right place, we are one among the best home elevator companies
In India
3. What if i have limited space?
Emperor lifts provide Hydraulic lifts and several other lifts which can be installed using limited space. Shaftless lift uses less space and is used for residential purposes too.