An elevator is a simple electrical machine in its principle. Going by that definition, we can say that a passenger lift is a platform that goes up and down ferrying passengers. With electrical systems to choose desired floors and safety system to allow smooth vertical travel.
Emperor Lifts manufactures all types of elevators like Passenger, Hospital, Freight, and Home lifts using a Traction or hydraulic mechanism. Let us read more about the working principle of both the elevator systems
over the next two articles.

Hydraulic elevators
The hydraulic elevators work on the hydraulic cylinder principle that uses hydraulic fluids to push a piston inside a cylinder that in turn raises and lowers the passenger lift. The hydraulic fluids like oil or other in compressible fluids are used.
This system requires an electrical pump to push the hydraulic fluid from the reservoir into the cylinder. The fluids compression pushes the piston which in turn raises the passenger lift. At the desired floor the valve on the cylinder closes and the piston just rests on the fluids. The elevator door opens. The valve opens again thrusting the hydraulic fluids to move the passenger lift to higher floors through the piston movement.
While descent the valve opens, and the hydraulic fluids slowly move back to the reservoir lifting the pressure off the piston. This mechanism allows the slow descent of the elevator to lower floors. To stop the elevator at any desired lower floor, the valve shuts and the piston stops moving. Â With this the elevator can be stopped at any desired lower floor too.
Traction with a machine room
Traction elevators are designed in a way that has a machine room attached to the elevator and the elevator works based on it. Traction elevators are lifted by ropes, a pass-over wheel is attached to an electric motor that moves the elevator shaft. They are used for mid and high-rise applications and have much higher travel speeds than hydraulic elevators. Elevators are more efficient when there is a counterweight to counterbalance the weight of the car and passengers. Elevators with geared traction machines travel at a speed of 2mps and the maximum travel distance of traction with a room machine is 75 meters.
Machine-Room-Less (MRL) traction
Machine Room Less elevators are specially designed elevators that are installed without any machine room. Hoistway is placed near the machine room-less elevator. Just like other elevators the machine room-less elevators move on a steel cord table way. The synchronous motor has a frequency converter attached to it. This Machine room-less elevator works based on the principle of a traction induction VVF motor and gearless synchronous motor. The dimensions of the headroom for a traction elevator ranges based on different manufacturers. The counterweight assists the machine in turning the electrical sheave which moves the cab through the hoistway. Emergency alarm, automated monitoring system, independent operation, intercom facility, time & temperature delay are the standard features of the Machine Room Less elevator.
This is a cost-effective solution for buildings with fewer floors. Ideal for a residential building or a small departmental store. Get your quote for hydraulic elevators from Emperor Lifts today.